I worked on a project with Food For The Hungry in Zeway Ethiopia last month. Bridges of Grace is an active sponsor in the Zeway project through FH, and some incredible things are happening down there. Zeway is about 3 hours south of the capital in Ethiopia. It was my goal to accurately capture the heart of this town and the people living in it. I met with several orphans that are receiving sponsorship through FH, and saw first hand how their lives have been effected by this program. These children live on their own with the help of siblings, neighbors, FH & BOG. The strength and courage I saw in each and every one of these children was incredible. If you’d like to sponsor a child yourself, click one of the links above. I can’t encourage you enough to do so.

prints are available here

Zeway Ethiopia Humanitarian Photography by Photographer Geoff Duncan-5

Zeway Ethiopia Humanitarian Photography by Photographer Geoff Duncan-4

Zeway Ethiopia Humanitarian Photography by Photographer Geoff Duncan-10

Zeway Ethiopia Humanitarian Photography by Photographer Geoff Duncan-1

Zeway Ethiopia Humanitarian Photography by Photographer Geoff Duncan-2

Zeway Ethiopia Humanitarian Photography by Photographer Geoff Duncan-6

Zeway Ethiopia Humanitarian Photography by Photographer Geoff Duncan-7

Zeway Ethiopia Humanitarian Photography by Photographer Geoff Duncan-8

Zeway Ethiopia Humanitarian Photography by Photographer Geoff Duncan-9